La Cañada Spartan Boosters Club is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) (Federal ID # 95-3917914). We are a mission focused, fun-loving, hard working group of parents who are passionate about raising funds to enhance athletics, extracurricular activities, and academics for all students in grades 7 through 12 at La Cañada High School.
Your generosity donation helps over 70 athletic teams, student clubs, and arts programs by covering the costs of uniforms, supplies, equipment, and administrative fees. By donating to the Boosters, you are supporting vital programs that impact students’ daily lives. Your donation to the Boosters is 100% tax deductible and support enrichment programs and campus facilities/equipment, such as for the LCHS Wellness Center, LCHS Music Recording Studio, Culinary Arts equipment, Gymnasium refurbishment, and LCHS Athletic training room.