We are a mission focused, fun-loving, hard working group of parents who are passionate about raising funds to enhance athletics, extracurricular activities, and academics for all students in grades 7 through 12 at La Canada High School. Your generosity helps over 70 athletic teams, student clubs, and arts programs by covering the costs of uniforms, supplies, equipment, and administrative fees.
Last year we provided over $200,000 in Booster Grants to help support extracurricular activities and programs. When you become a member of Boosters, you are donating to support these vital programs and you get perks in return! Turn me over to learn more about our membership levels and benefits!
Join Boosters today and be part our LCHS 7-12 community that supports the over 1000 students at LCHS 7-12 that are in athletic, art, club and/or enrichment programs.

Boosters supports all athletics! From football, soccer, baseball/softball & basketball to… volleyball, aquatics, lacrosse, wrestling, golf & mountain biking.

Boosters supports all Arts! From instrumental music / color guard, choral music, theater/drama to… culinary arts, LCTV, photography, ceramics & fine arts.

Boosters supports all Clubs & Enrichment Programs! From ASB, Academic Decathlon, speech-debate, robotics & pep squad to… LCHS art magazine, engineering club & LCHS newspaper.
A connection to these programs to help give them the financial support to continue to grow and succeed. Booster Directors are invited to attend monthly meetings with our Superintendent, School Board Members, LCHS & 7/8 Principals, Asst Principal & Athletic Director… where LCUSD & 7-12 events and initiatives are discussed, and feedback is given. This gives Booster members the opportunity to stay current on events and get to know your LCUSD administrators.
Last year, Boosters raised and distributed over $200,000 for over 70 athletic teams, student clubs & arts programs to help cover costs of much needed uniforms, equipment, facilities, supplies & more. Boosters donates 100% of the funds it raises to LCHS 7-12 athletics, arts, clubs, enrichment programs & needs. Boosters allows your donations to be targeted to activities your care most about… For each membership level, you can allocate a percentage of your membership fee for up to 3 programs of your choosing. And your direct donations can be targeted to specific LCHS 7-12 programs you choose. Boosters is a 501C(3) non-profit organization.
Boosters impacts students daily through campus facilities/equipment we raised funds to help create, including: the LCHS Wellness Center, LCHS Music Recording Studio, Culinary Arts equipment, Gymnasium refurbishment, LCHS Athletic training room… even the LCHS new electronic marque at the front entrance to the campus.
Boosters provides two $1000 scholarships to deserving graduating seniors that are children of Booster members.
All Booster memberships include free admission to non-CIF home football games and basketball games, and higher membership levels come with VIP parking passes for the football games, tickets to the All-School Spring musical, as well as tickets to our awesome annual Fall BOOSTERFEST dinner event at Oakmont Country Club. The more you give, the more you get!
Boosters are parents that are passionate about raising funds to enhance athletics, arts, and extracurricular activities for all LCHS students in grades 7-12… as well as enjoying friendship working together to support all our children.